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addView(Pnt2d[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator
Adds a new observation (a sequence of 2D image points) of the planar calibration pattern.
AllCalibrationResults_txt - Enum constant in enum
AllCalibrationResultsEasyCalib_txt - Enum constant in enum
applyTo(double[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
Moves point XYZ from 3D world coordinates to 3D camera coordinates, as specified by the transformations of this view.
applyTo(Pnt2d) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.InterCameraMapping
applyTo(Pnt2d) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.RectificationMapping
assumeZeroSkew - Variable in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator.Parameters
Assume that the camera has no skew (currently not used).


CalibIm1 - Enum constant in enum
CalibIm2 - Enum constant in enum
CalibIm3 - Enum constant in enum
CalibIm4 - Enum constant in enum
CalibIm5 - Enum constant in enum
CalibImageStack - Enum constant in enum
calibrate() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator
Performs the actual camera calibration based on the provided sequence of views.
Calibration_Plugins_1 - package Calibration_Plugins_1
Basic ImageJ calibration plugins.
Calibration_Plugins_2 - package Calibration_Plugins_2
Additional ImageJ calibration plugins.
CalibrationImage - Enum in
CalibrationResultZhangWithDistortion_txt - Enum constant in enum
Calibrator - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
This is an implementation of the camera calibration method described in Z.
Calibrator(Calibrator.Parameters, Pnt2d[]) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator
The only constructor.
Calibrator.Parameters - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
Inner class representing a set of parameters for instantiating new objects of type of Calibrator.
Camera - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
A camera model with parameters as specified in Zhang's paper.
Camera(double[]) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Creates a standard camera from a vector of intrinsic parameters
Camera(double, double, double) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Creates a simple pinhole camera (with no distortion whatsoever).
Camera(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Camera(RealMatrix, double[]) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Creates a standard camera from a transformation matrix and a vector of lens distortion coefficients.
CameraIntrinsicsEstimator - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
This class defines methods for estimating the intrinsic camera parameters from multiple homographies.
CameraIntrinsicsEstimator() - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.CameraIntrinsicsEstimator
crossProduct3x3(RealVector, RealVector) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil


D(double) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Radial distortion function, to be applied in the form
Data1_txt - Enum constant in enum
Data2_txt - Enum constant in enum
Data3_txt - Enum constant in enum
Data4_txt - Enum constant in enum
Data5_txt - Enum constant in enum
debug - Variable in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator.Parameters
Turn on debugging output.
DefaultOrthogonalityThreshold - Static variable in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.Rotations
Do_Calibration - Class in Calibration_Plugins_1
This plugin performs Zhang's camera calibration on the pre-calculated corner point data for the M given target views.
Do_Calibration() - Constructor for class Calibration_Plugins_1.Do_Calibration
Draw_3D_Axes_Demo - Class in Calibration_Plugins_2
This plugin draws the projected X/Y/Z coordinate axes for each of the given camera views.
Draw_3D_Axes_Demo() - Constructor for class Calibration_Plugins_2.Draw_3D_Axes_Demo


estimateHomographies(Pnt2d[], Pnt2d[][]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.HomographyEstimator
Estimates the homographies between a fixed set of 2D model points and multiple observations (image point sets).
estimateHomography(Pnt2d[], Pnt2d[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.HomographyEstimator
Estimates the homography (projective) transformation from two given 2D point sets.
estimateLensDistortion(Camera, ViewTransform[], Pnt2d[], Pnt2d[][]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.RadialDistortionEstimator
Estimates the lens distortion from multiple views, starting from an initial (linear) camera model.
extractViewNumber(String) - Static method in class
ExtrinsicViewEstimator - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
This class defines methods for estimating the extrinsic camera parameters from multiple homographies.
ExtrinsicViewEstimator(RealMatrix) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ExtrinsicViewEstimator
The only constructor.


fromRowPackedVector(RealVector, int, int) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil


getA() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns a copy of the camera's inner transformation matrix with contents
getAllObservedPoints() - Static method in class
getAllViewTransforms() - Static method in class
getAlpha() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns the camera's alpha value.
getBeta() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns the camera's beta value.
getCameraIntrinsics() - Static method in class
getCameraIntrinsics(RealMatrix[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.CameraIntrinsicsEstimator
Final version by WB (this version is used by default).
getCameraIntrinsicsZhang1(RealMatrix[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.CameraIntrinsicsEstimator
Version 1 (Zhang's original closed form solution).
getCameraIntrinsicsZhang2(RealMatrix[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.CameraIntrinsicsEstimator
Version 2 (Zhang's corrected closed form solution).
getCameraIntrinsicsZhang3(RealMatrix[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.CameraIntrinsicsEstimator
Version 3 (WB's closed form solution).
getExtrinsics(RealMatrix[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ExtrinsicViewEstimator
Estimates the extrinsic camera parameters for a sequence of homographies.
getFileName() - Method in enum
getFileName() - Method in enum
getFinalCamera() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator
Returns the final camera model (including lens distortion).
getFinalViews() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator
Returns the sequence of final camera views (extrinsics, including lens distortion).
getGamma() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns the camera's gamma value.
getHomography(ViewTransform) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns the homography for the given view as a 3 x 3 matrix.
getInitialCamera() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator
Returns the initial camera model (no lens distortion).
getInitialViews() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator
Returns the sequence of initial camera views (extrinsics, no lens distortion).
getInverseA() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns the inverse of the camera intrinsic matrix A as a 3x3 matrix (without the last row {0,0,1}).
getJacobianFunction(Pnt2d[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.HomographyEstimator
getK() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns the camera's lens distortion coefficients.
getModelPoints() - Static method in class
getObservedPoints(int) - Static method in class
getParameters() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
getParameterVector() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns the camera's inner parameters as a vector (alpha, beta, gamma, uc, vc, k0, k1).
getProjectionError(Camera, ViewTransform[], Pnt2d[][]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator
Calculates the squared projection error for a sequence of views, associated with a sequence of observed image point sets.
getProjectionError(Camera, ViewTransform, Pnt2d[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator
Calculates the squared projection error for a single view, associated with a set of observed image points.
getRotation() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
getRotationAxis() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
getRotationMatrix() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
getRowPackedVector(RealMatrix) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
getTranslation() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
getTranslationVector() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
getUc() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns the camera's uc value.
getVc() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Returns the camera's vc value.
getViewTransform(int) - Static method in class


HomographyEstimator - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
This class defines methods for estimating the homography (projective) transformation between pairs of 2D point sets.
HomographyEstimator() - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.HomographyEstimator
HomographyEstimator(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.HomographyEstimator


IjUtil - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util
This class defines ImageJ-related utility methods used for camera calibration.
IjUtil() - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.IjUtil
ImageHeight - Static variable in class
ImageWidth - Static variable in class
imagingbook_calibrate_plugins - module imagingbook_calibrate_plugins
imagingbook.calibrate.lib - module imagingbook.calibrate.lib
imagingbook.calibration.zhang - package imagingbook.calibration.zhang
Core classes of the camera calibration library. - package
Published test data for Zhang's camera calibration method, provided as Java resources.
imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util - package imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util
Various utility classes used by the calibration library.
InterCameraMapping - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
This class represents the 2D geometric transformation for an image taken with some camera A to an image taken with another camera B.
InterCameraMapping(Camera, Camera) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.InterCameraMapping
inverseConditionNumber(double[][]) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Calculates the 'inverse condition number' (RCOND() in Matlab) of the given matrix (0,...,1, ideally close to 1).
isRotationMatrix(double[][]) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.Rotations
Checks if the specified matrix is a rotation matrix using the default orthogonality threshold (Rotations.DefaultOrthogonalityThreshold).
isRotationMatrix(double[][], double) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.Rotations
Checks if the specified matrix is a rotation matrix under the given orthogonality threshold.


lensDistortionKoeffients - Variable in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator.Parameters
Number of lens distortion coefficients (2 = simple polynomial model).
Lerp(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Linearly interpolate two 3D translation vectors.
Lerp(Quaternion, Quaternion, double) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Linearly interpolate two Quaternion instances.
Lerp(Rotation, Rotation, double) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Linearly interpolate two 3D Rotation instances.


makeImage(String, RealMatrix) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.IjUtil
Creates a float-type image of the supplied matrix.
mapToSensorPlane(double[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Maps from the ideal projection plane to sensor coordinates, using the camera's intrinsic parameters.
marked1 - Enum constant in enum
marked2 - Enum constant in enum
marked3 - Enum constant in enum
marked4 - Enum constant in enum
marked5 - Enum constant in enum
MathUtil - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util
Utility math methods used for camera calibration.
MaxLmEvaluations - Static variable in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.HomographyEstimator
MaxLmIterations - Static variable in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.HomographyEstimator
mean(double[]) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Model_txt - Enum constant in enum


NonlinearOptimizer - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
Abstract super-class for non-linear optimizers used for final, overall optimization of calibration parameters.
NonlinearOptimizerAnalytic - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
NonlinearOptimizerNumeric - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
Nonlinear optimizer based on the Levenberg-Marquart method, where the Jacobian matrix is calculated numerically (i.e., by estimating the first partial derivatives from finite differences).
normalizeAngle(double) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.Rotations
Normalized the given angle to [-π,π].
normalizePointCoordinates - Variable in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator.Parameters
Normalize point coordinates for numerical stability in HomographyEstimator.
NumberOfViews - Static variable in class


Open_Image_Stack - Class in Calibration_Plugins_1
Opens Zhang's standard calibration images as a stack of RGB images.
Open_Image_Stack() - Constructor for class Calibration_Plugins_1.Open_Image_Stack


Parameters() - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator.Parameters
plotLensDistortionFunction(Camera, double) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.IjUtil
project(ViewTransform, double[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Projects the given 3D point onto the sensor plane of this camera for the provided extrinsic view parameters.
project(ViewTransform, Pnt2d) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Projects the X/Y world point (in the Z = 0 plane) to image coordinates under the given camera view (extrinsic transformation parameters).
project(ViewTransform, Pnt2d[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Projects the X/Y world points (all in the Z = 0 plane) to image coordinates under the given camera view (extrinsic transformation parameters).
projectNormalized(ViewTransform, double[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Projects the given 3D point to ideal projection coordinates for the provided extrinsic view parameters.
projectNormalized(ViewTransform, Pnt2d) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Projects the given 3D point to ideal projection coordinates for the provided extrinsic view parameters.


RadialDistortionEstimator - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
This class defines methods for estimating the radial lens distortion parameters
RadialDistortionEstimator() - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.RadialDistortionEstimator
RectificationMapping - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
This class represents a special geometric mapping for rectifying (i.e., removing the lens distortion from) an image, given the associated camera parameters.
RectificationMapping(Camera) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.RectificationMapping
Rectify_Camera_Demo - Class in Calibration_Plugins_2
This plugin opens an image stack containing the 5 Zhang test images and removes the lens distortion based on the intrinsic camera parameters estimated by calibration.
Rectify_Camera_Demo() - Constructor for class Calibration_Plugins_2.Rectify_Camera_Demo
refineHomography(RealMatrix, Pnt2d[], Pnt2d[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.HomographyEstimator
Refines the initial homography by non-linear (Levenberg-Marquart) optimization.
Replace_Camera_Demo - Class in Calibration_Plugins_2
This plugin opens an image stack containing the 5 Zhang test images (assumed to be taken with camera A) and re-renders the images by mapping them to a new camera B.
Replace_Camera_Demo() - Constructor for class Calibration_Plugins_2.Replace_Camera_Demo
Rotations - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util
This class defines methods for converting between Rodrigues rotation vectors and 3D rotation matrices, plus some related utility methods.
Rotations() - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.Rotations
run(String) - Method in class Calibration_Plugins_1.Do_Calibration
run(String) - Method in class Calibration_Plugins_1.Open_Image_Stack
run(String) - Method in class Calibration_Plugins_1.Validate_EasyCalib_Data
run(String) - Method in class Calibration_Plugins_2.Draw_3D_Axes_Demo
run(String) - Method in class Calibration_Plugins_2.Rectify_Camera_Demo
run(String) - Method in class Calibration_Plugins_2.Replace_Camera_Demo
run(String) - Method in class Calibration_Plugins_2.View_Interpolation_Demo


solveHomogeneousSystem(RealMatrix) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Finds a nontrivial solution (x) to the homogeneous linear system A .


TextDataResource - Enum in
toArray(Pnt2d) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
toCartesian(double[]) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Converts a homogeneous vector to its equivalent Cartesian vector, which is one element shorter.
toHomogeneous(double[]) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Converts a Cartesian vector to an equivalent homogeneous vector by attaching an additional 1-element.
toPnt2d(double[]) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
toQuaternion(Rotation) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Converts a Rotation to a Quaternion.
toRodriguesVector(double[][]) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.Rotations
Converts a 3D rotation matrix (R) to the equivalent Rodrigues rotation vector.
toRotation(Quaternion) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Converts a Quaternion to a Rotation.
toRotationMatrix(double[]) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.Rotations
Converts a given Rodrigues rotation vector to the equivalent 3D rotation matrix.
toString() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
toString() - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform


unwarp(double) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Inverse radial distortion function.
unwarp(double[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Applies inverse radial distortion to a given point in the ideal image plane.
useNumericJacobian - Variable in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Calibrator.Parameters
Use numeric (instead of analytic) calculation of the Jacobian in NonlinearOptimizer.


Validate_EasyCalib_Data - Class in Calibration_Plugins_1
This plugin projects opens an image stack containing the 5 Zhang test images, then outlines the positions of the observed image points and finally projects the points of the calibration model using the calculated intrinsic camera parameters (same for all views) and the extrinsic parameters calculated for each view.
Validate_EasyCalib_Data() - Constructor for class Calibration_Plugins_1.Validate_EasyCalib_Data
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variance(double[]) - Static method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.util.MathUtil
Returns the variance of the specified values.
View_Interpolation_Demo - Class in Calibration_Plugins_2
This plugin performs interpolation of views, given a sequence of key views.
View_Interpolation_Demo() - Constructor for class Calibration_Plugins_2.View_Interpolation_Demo
ViewTransform - Class in imagingbook.calibration.zhang
Instances of this class represent extrinsic camera (view) parameters.
ViewTransform() - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
ViewTransform(double[]) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
ViewTransform(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
ViewTransform(Rotation, double[]) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
ViewTransform(RealMatrix) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform
ViewTransform(RealMatrix, RealVector) - Constructor for class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.ViewTransform


warp(double) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
warp(double[]) - Method in class imagingbook.calibration.zhang.Camera
Applies radial distortion to a point in the ideal 2D projection.


ZhangData - Class in
Supplies all numeric data for Zhang's demo calibration test suite.
ZhangData() - Constructor for class
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values